Menopause and cycle

1/3 of all women report unpleasant accessory symptoms during menopause. These include sleep disturbances, hot flashes and unwanted weight gain. The menstruation cycle is also complex and causes discomfort for many women.

The woman in middle age

The woman in transition

This time is certainly not easy, but change never is. Yet change can also be positive and not only mean the loss of fertility. As with many things, it’s all about attitude.

What actually happens to the body during this time?

After the age of 30, the production of ovarian hormones decreases and the cycle starts to get shorter. The balance between oestrogen and progesterone really starts to fluctuate between the ages of 40 and 55. This phase can be long or short and is sometimes not even noticeable.

Sudden irregular, heavier or very protracted bleeding may occur. Women become very sensitive or even depressive. Hot flashes and sleep disturbances are common. The skin becomes dry and cracked. Heart health may suffer or blood levels can change. The bone density may decrease as well.

Possible changes during menopause

Menstruation cycle

During the fertile years, the female body prepares for the fertilisation of an egg cell and its implantation in the uterus in a recurring monthly cycle.

The first period is called menarche, the last is known as menopause and in between are numerous cycles that are perceived differently by every woman.

The following complaints may occur during the female cycle:

Excessive bleeding (hypermenorrhoea)

Excessive bleeding is when a woman bleeds more than normal over several cycles. Please consult a gynaecologist in this case.

Get plenty of rest during this time and try to reduce all forms of stress. Stress can affect your period.

Since heavy bleeding means a lot of iron is lost, having your iron level checked is recommended. Be sure to pay special attention to a balanced diet as well. Eat plenty of green vegetables. Stinging nettle is important here, for instance as a fresh plant juice.

Painful regular bleeding (dysmenorrhoea)

This is really the most common menstruation complaint. One out of five women is said to be affected. Warmth and rest are the most important measures here! Administering the “hot seven” is especially helpful for menstruation pain.

PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

Before menstruation, women are emotionally unbalanced and often feel irritated. Migraine-like conditions commonly occur. For some women, this irritability and indisposition occurs around ovulation. Occasionally they also experience depressive symptoms at this time. PMS has a major impact on a woman’s sense of well-being.

Certain complaints are defined in this context, occurring in women from four days to two weeks before the start of menstruation.

  • Weight gain due to fluid retention in the tissue
  • Skin changes, fatigue, circulatory problems
  • Cramps in the lower abdomen
  • Headaches and back pain, pain in the genital region
  • Ravenousness or loss of appetite
  • Painful muscle tension, swelling, sensitivity of the breasts to touch
  • Sensitivity to light, noise, odours, time and work pressure

Menopause and cycle

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