
Yvo Series for children


YvoDont globules in teething
PZN: 4795605
teething fever
Sleeping disorders

Breakthrough of the first teeth is a significant burden for many children and can be associated with pain, fever, diarrhea and soreness. Frequently, the gums are swollen, reddened and sensitive to pressure in the appropriate place. Increased salivation is another symptom. If the toothache pain is very severe, some children also suffer from high fever and headache with a crimson head. To top it all, teething is often accompanied by diarrhea. If several factors come together, the body of the young children is exposed to great stress; Restlessness and sleep disorders can be the result.

YvoDont globules is a homeopathic combination of 6 different components. their fields of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures and complement each other.

The approved fields of application of YvoDont are the following: Teething problems in children from 4 months to 6 years like:    

  • teething    
  • fever
  • diarrhea
  • irritability    
  • unrest    
  • sleep disorders


Information on effects and possible adverse effects is provided in the leaflet, doctor or pharmacist.

The use of this homeopathic medicine in the mentioned areas of application is based exclusively on homeopathic experience.

Melt the globules in the mouth.

Composition: 1 g (about 120 globules) contain:
Atropa bella-donna D8
Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni D6
Calcium fluoratum D6
Delphinium staphysagria D6
Matricaria recutita D4
Podophyllum peltatum D6